Ibm spss statistics 22.0
Ibm spss statistics 22.0

ibm spss statistics 22.0

Nonparametric tests – Chi-square, Binomial, Runs, one-sample, two independent samples, k-independent samples, two related samples, k-related samples.Correlation – Test for bivariate or partial correlation, or for distances indicating similarity or dissimilarity between measures.ANOVA and ANCOVA – Conduct contrast, range and post hoc tests analyze fixed-effects and random-effects measures group descriptive statistics choose your model based on four types of the sum-of-squares procedure perform lack-of-fit tests choose balanced or unbalanced design and analyze covariance with up to 10 methods.Compare means – Choose whether to use harmonic or geometric means test linearity compare via independent sample statistics, paired sample statistics or one-sample t test.

ibm spss statistics 22.0

Descriptive ratio statistics – Coefficient of dispersion, coefficient of variation, price-related differential and average absolute deviance.Descriptives – Central tendency, dispersion, distribution and Z scores.

ibm spss statistics 22.0

  • Frequencies – Counts, percentages, valid and cumulative percentages central tendency, dispersion, distribution and percentile values.
  • Crosstabulations – Counts, percentages, residuals, marginals, tests of independence, test of linear association, measure of linear association, ordinal data measures, nominal by interval measures, measure of agreement, relative risk estimates for case control and cohort studies.

  • Ibm spss statistics 22.0